Our Vision

We serve our customers and stakeholders with excellence so we can achieve profitable growth, which enables us to create eternal value by conducting our business and caring for people in a way that honors God. 

Polydeck is a manufacturing company built on christian values.

Very early in our company’s history, at the highest levels of leadership, we realized we’re nothing without our team and nothing without the support of our customers.

Every single day, in everything we do, we strive to uphold and live our core values. These values guide our attitudes, our decisions, and how we treat every person we come in contact with. These values are grounded in the Christian faith and our ultimate goal is to create eternal value by striving to honor God in all that we do.

Mission Statement

We aim to lead the screen media industry with continuous improvement and optimal screening solutions that allow our customers to meet their production needs and allow us to provide for our teams and communities in a way that honors God.

We provide extraordinary customer experiences by delivering world-class screening solutions through:

  • Performance Guarantee
  • Customer-Focused Lead Times
  • Uncompromised Quality
  • Industry Leading Innovation
  • High-Performance Teams
  • Our Safe & Caring Culture
  • Sustainable Social Responsibility 


Core Value #1


Embodying an authentic, caring culture

Core Value #2


Demonstrating integrity in word and deed

Core Value #3


Exemplifying excellence in everything we do

Core Value #4


Walking with humilty

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