Our Culture
Polydeck promotes an environment where core values and social responsibilities are lived out.
The Polydeck Way
The Balance between caring and Performance.
“The Polydeck Caring Team promotes an environment where people are encouraged and given opportunities to improve their physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual health.”
Though Polydeck has always endeavored to make caring a part of its culture, the concept of an actual Caring Team was formalized in 2006. This ensured employees had a voice in making improvements to their work environment. Since then, the scope of the Caring Team has expanded to include employee’s families as well as customers, local, national, and international organizations.

The Polydeck Caring Team
The mandate of the Caring Team is to provide for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our employees and their families. Examples of Polydeck Caring Team initiatives include:
- Wellness Program
- Addiction Recovery
- Car Repair Fund
- Home Repair Fund
- Financial Budgeting
- Marriage Retreats
- Scholarship Program
- Single Parent Support
- Prayer Groups
- Corporate Chaplain
- Bible Studies
- Chapel
- Mission Trips
- Community Service
- Fit4Life
- TWI Training
- Professional Growth Opportunities
- MyPDJourney
Caring for Our Employees, Our Families, Our Community and World.
Polydeck promotes an environment where core values and social responsibilities are lived out; where people trust and support each other; where people are developed to reach their full potential; and where people are involved beyond their work duties actively participating in shaping our corporate culture and supporting their communities.
In addition to supporting employees and their families, the Caring Team offers financial assistance and/or volunteer support to a multitude of charitable organizations
- Christmas in Action
- Habitat for Humanity
- Mobile Meals
- Soup Kitchens
- Food Pantries
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Scouting
- Homeless Shelters
- Youth Shelters
- Humane Societies
- Faith-based Ministries
- Special Needs Adults
- Blood Drives
- International Orphanages
- Relays for Life