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The Next Generation: How Polydeck, Impact Prayer, and Project 150 Helps Teens.

September 21, 2023

Project 150 is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free support and services to homeless, displaced, and disadvantaged high school students. The organization aims to help these students stay in school and thrive.

Where It All Started

In March, Polydeck attended the ConExpo trade show in Las Vegas. During the show, over 75 people belonging to a community called the Impact Prayer Gathering met at the convention center for a time of encouragement to reflect and pray for families, businesses, and the mining industry. Part of the Impact Prayer Community's desire is to impact the local communities that host industry events. Polydeck and Impact Prayer sought an organization that reflects their values of compassion and community service, and found a perfect match in Project 150.

Expressions of Gratitude

Members of the Polydeck Care team expressed that they appreciate the work that Project 150 is doing, especially in tough times like these. Senia Roybal, Projects Manager for Project 150, added, "We're thankful for Polydeck’s support. This donation will help us continue our efforts to assist high school students in need."

The donation of $16,575 from Polydeck and the Impact Prayer Community represents the combined goodwill of more than 500 families and businesses across the U.S. These funds will directly support programs in the Southern Nevada area that help students stay in school and work toward a better future.

Closing Thoughts

By donating to Project 150, Polydeck and its partners have taken a meaningful step to help young people in need. It’s a clear demonstration of the company’s commitment to making a tangible impact in the communities they engage with.

For more information about Project 150 and how you can get involved, visit Project 150's Website.

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