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Polydeck Superheroes Are Here to Save Your Day!

January 23, 2023

From the outside, Polydeck may just seem like a company focused on delivering innovative, high-performance solutions. However, beneath the surface, we are a team of superheroes providing world-class quality, service, and support to our customers. Together strong, our team of superheroes understand the specific challenges you face and how to help you overcome them to achieve maximum performance.

We’re ready to save the day

Most of our outside team have been in your shoes, so not only do they know what you need, but they also understand the frequency of empty promises you may have received. At Polydeck, we say what we will do, and then we do it. We are committed to you and your operation’s success.

We have secret weapons

The Polydeck team has key strategies in place to ensure victory for your performance. Our superheroes can piece together the whole picture to get you what you need, right when you need it. They can access our distribution centers and unlock specific inventory to deliver to you in a pinch. They can track orders and offer other bits of critical information, such as when cranes or crews are scheduled. The multitude of what our team of superheroes can do to serve you are endless.

We can do this all day

They might not be as well-known and tough as Captain America, but our team is constantly doing whatever possible to achieve a win for you: from training new staff on panel changeouts, delivering panels in order to avoid freight delays, or to taking the time to give your crew a complete system overview before the work begins.

We can adapt to anything

Our people know screens and media, so it doesn’t matter what media type or brand of screen you currently have installed. Our team of experts can still come in to inspect and survey your process to help you troubleshoot and improve performance.

We’re your super-friends!

You can call on us for anything. Need something on an impossible timeline? We have a Polydeck superhero for that. Need to exceed your current production rates? We’ve got a superhero for that, too. Our super team will work around the clock and give every effort to help you achieve your goals.

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