It is time to stand in solidarity against racism and make a better future for ourselves and future generations, and it starts with us. Together Strong!

It’s no secret to anyone that our country is in the throes of a crisis brought on by the realization by many, far too late, of the systemic racism that has plagued many American citizens for far too long. For Polydeck, racism in any form has never been and never will be accepted. In fact, it is absolutely against our company culture and will not be tolerated.

Our Vision Statement is – To Serve our Customers and Stakeholders with excellence to achieve profitable growth which enables us to care for people in a way that honors God. When you think about it, “caring for people in a way that honors God” is not complicated and can be as simple as standing up for what is right. However, in today’s society, it’s often not that simple. That’s why we, as a company, are taking steps to ensure our employees, customers, and everyone we encounter knows our culture and where we stand.

In addition to our yearly training on many compliance-related issues including discrimination and harassment in the workplace, Polydeck is reviewing our current hiring, training, on-boarding, and employee and customer care procedures to ensure that we have created and will continually maintain a culture where everyone is valued and supported. We firmly believe our training efforts will create the culture we all desire, but we know that our work is not done, nor will it ever be. As part of our commitment to ongoing improvement, we are encouraging internal dialogue and seeking external expertise where necessary. We know we cannot improve alone, nor should we.

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

This situation is not impossible to solve, but it will take each of us working together to see lasting change. One way to bring about change in governmental policy comes through exercising our rights to vote on local, state and national levels. We can create change if we take the time to vote. We must make an effort in our workplace, in our homes, and in every aspect of our lives to show that we believe that caring for people in a God honoring way is what matters most. If each of us commit to live out the Polydeck Core Values there is no room for racism, hate, and bigotry in our company, or the world. It is time to stand in solidarity against racism and make a better future for ourselves and future generations, and it starts with us. Together Strong!

June is recognized in the United States as National Safety Month, but at Polydeck safety is a daily focus and an important part of our company culture.

This month, organizations throughout the United States recognize June as National Safety Month. Organizations such as the National Safety Council (NSC) provide information and materials that can help generate momentum in promoting safety in the workplace. The NSC exists to “Save lives, from the workplace to anyplace” and assists in providing information and resources to eliminate preventable injuries and deaths. However, at Polydeck, we’re committed to make every month Safety Month, and every day in each of our facilities Safety Day.

Now more than ever, we are all keenly aware of our own health, wellness and safety. For us, nothing is more important than the health and safety of our employees. Safety is not an accident, but it is instead a conscious culture. Polydeck strives to consciously and intentionally promote a culture of safety. Our employees are our most valuable asset and it is our highest responsibility to provide and maintain a work environment that is safe and welcoming.

This year, the NSC has focused on several key areas that affect worker safety both on and off the job. The focus areas of Mental Health, Ergonomics, Building a Safety Culture and Driving are also key areas of safety that Polydeck focuses on every day.

The NSC has made the connection between worker fatigue and safety through a recent survey. “The drowsiness, distraction and lack of alertness that is associated with fatigue can have devastating effects for both workers and organizations in terms of injuries and fatalities. The National Safety Council survey (2018) found that nearly all American workers (97%) have at least one risk factor of fatigue, with 43% of workers not obtaining the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a day. This reduces productivity and efficiency and increases the risk of injury.”1

Fatigue is a natural part of life and especially shift work, but we can all combat fatigue with attention to how we structure our work shifts and days. Take regular breaks during a work shift, and shorter frequent breaks are better than a single long break. Plan consistent work schedules in order to better plan for sleep during time between work periods and have regular predictable blocks of days off. Experts agree regular sleep and wake schedules help combat fatigue as well.

According to the NSC, “Ergonomic injuries are disorders of the soft tissue, specifically of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, blood vessels and spinal discs.” These injuries occur over time, and are not typically sudden injuries but are caused by poor posture, lifting improperly, and repeat improper movements.

In the NSC’s article, “Work Ergonomically anywhere,” many helpful tips are provided along with things to consider related to ergonomics. Many of the items that are suggested are also ones that we have been promoting as part of Polydeck’s safety culture:2

• Lift with your legs-not your back

• Keep frequently used items close to avoid twisting or turning often

• Use the right tools for the job

• Make sure work areas are well lit

Driving safety is a constant focus for Polydeck, and earlier this year we conducted “Safety talks” for our Sales team. These talks were intended to remind and reinforce best practices for safe driving at all times. Driving is an integral part of our business and we must all remain vigilant to drive safely and remove all distractions when we are behind the wheel.

Mental health has always been a safety priority, but its importance has become more evident in recent months due to the pandemic. Polydeck employees are encouraged to monitor their mental health and reach out to trusted friends, family, or appropriate professionals if they need help. Employees can also contact the Polydeck Employee Care team should if support is needed in this area.

June is officially recognized as National Safety Month, but at Polydeck we’d prefer to recognize safety as a priority every day. Safety begins and ends with each of us. We must focus on safety by creating a culture of safety and individually identifying hazards and ways to correct them. Each of us can initiate conversations about things we all can do to improve our safety culture at Polydeck. It is up to each of us to ensure Polydeck remains a safe and welcoming work environment so that we can accomplish our goals together. Join us over on LinkedIn as we highlight safety tips all month long.


1. Managing Fatigue

2. Work Ergonomically Anywhere

Written by Robbie Miller, Environment, Health and Safety Manager for Polydeck.

Spartanburg, SC—January 31, 2020-- Founded in 1978, with the reputation as the industry leader for screening media, Polydeck is thrilled to be partnering with Manuqup, a Canadian-based company that shares the same passion for the industry and the commitment to provide excellent customer service and expertise.

Manuquip has been serving customers since 1992, specializing in turnkey projects, parts support and installation services. With branches in Beloeil and Quebec City, Manuquip is perfectly situated to serve customers efficiently in their local support network.

Polydeck Territory Manager for Aggregate in Canada, Alex Caruana, says that both companies align in the way they do business and serve customers. Richard Paquette, President at Manuquip says “Our organization is focused on selling innovative added-value products and recognized leading brands. Polydeck fits that mold perfectly. We look forward to a successful partnership.”

Both Polydeck and Manuquip are founded on principles of integrity and the commitment to tailor the right solution for each customer. “We are looking forward to working ‘Together Strong’ towards customers’ success!” Caruana adds.

Manuquip is a leader with integrated solutions for the crushing, screening, recycling & demolition industries in Quebec. The company is resolutely committed to providing a unique experience to its valued customers: the most comprehensive product offering, superior quality, parts availability, process expertise, and outstanding technical support. Manuquip's products and services are available through two branches located in Montreal and Quebec City. For more information, visit

Polydeck annonce Manuquip en tant que concessionnaire exclusif pour les ventes et le support de la division Agrégats au Québec.

Spartanburg, Caroline du Sud - 31 janvier 2020 - Fondée en 1978 et réputée comme le chef de file de l'industrie des panneaux de criblage, Polydeck est ravie de s'associer à Manuquip, une entreprise canadienne qui partage la même passion pour l'industrie et l'engagement à fournir un excellent service et expertise à la clientèle.

Manuquip est au service de ses clients depuis 1992, spécialisée dans les projets clé en main, la fourniture de pièces et les services d'installation. Avec des succursales à Beloeil et à Québec, Manuquip est parfaitement situé pour servir efficacement les clients dans leur réseau de soutien local.

Alex Caruana, directeur de territoire Agrégats – Canada chez Polydeck, affirme que les deux sociétés s'alignent sur la façon de faire des affaires et de servir les clients. Richard Paquette, président de Manuquip, déclare: « Notre organisation se concentre sur la vente de produits innovants à valeur ajoutée et de grandes marques reconnues. Polydeck s'adapte parfaitement à ce moule. Nous sommes heureux et convaincus du succès de ce partenariat.»

Polydeck et Manuquip sont fondées sur des principes d'intégrité et sur l'engagement d'adapter la bonne solution pour chaque client. « Nous sommes impatients de travailler ‘Ensemble et Fort’ pour le succès des clients!», ajoute Caruana.

As Polydeck prepares to close out a successful 2019 and embark on a new year of growth and opportunity, we look back on the past 12 months with a deep sense of pride and accomplishment.

Together—with our co-workers, partners, and friends—we continue to innovate our products and improve our processes. Together, we’re solving problems and creating more efficiency so that our customers reap the benefits of their relationship with us. Together, we’re finding out what works and uncovering new ways to bring value to our partnerships.

Together, we’re stronger.

This is especially true within the Polydeck family. We all work together as a team, support each other as coworkers, and count on the fact that everyone knows how important the goal is: To improve what we make, to grow a healthy company, and to succeed in a vibrant industry.

So, what does “Together, strong” mean to us? See for yourself…

"Synergy. We develop solutions together with our customers that have the most impact on their operations. Polydeck works as a well-lubricated machine that aligns its efforts not only in the development of a solution but also in ensuring a level of excellence in our service that our customers deserve." -Marco Dotti, Director of Sales, Latin America

"We work in unity." -Daniela Mendoza, Employee & Organizational Devlopment Manager

"We all partner together in the best interest of our employees, dealers, and customers to achieve our mission to be the best." -Sherry Waldrop, Inside Sales Specialist

"Working together to exceed the expectations of both the internal and external customer." -Ceara Mathis, Customer Service Representative

"Standing side-by-side in everything we do." -Janet Lester, Executive Assistant, Sales

"We develop relationships of mutual trust to champion long-term shared success." -Eric Leconte, Global Inventory Analyst

"Treating every customer's equipment as if it were my own and working together to find the best possible solutions." -Kendall Herring, Aggregate Regional Manager

"Working together using each of our unique talents to achieve a common goal." -Lee Johnson, Senior Software Developer

"Collaborating with our customers makes us together strong." -John Griffith, Mining Project Manager

"There is strength in unity. One of my favorite things about Together Strong at Polydeck is being able to see how we help each other in a time of need. There is strength when we rally around people who need us." -Erica Williams, Customer Service

"Together, we can reach higher and go further. There's strength in numbers." -Bobby Shannon, Energy and Industrial Regional Manager

"Turning a vision into reality with teamwork and collaboration." -Chandler Bruce, Accounting Analyst

"We work as a team to achieve the same goal." -Gary Rogers, Rubber Department

"We use our unique strengths to get the job done." -Christina Lee, Manufacturing Engineer

"We help when it is needed; we offer support when it is needed and we always keep a positive attitude." -Pete Babinski, Aggregate Territory Manager

To all of our customers and partners, thank you for relying on Polydeck to provide you with groundbreaking solutions to your production challenges. We look forward to working with you throughout 2020 and beyond!

The Polydeck PIPETOP™ support rail is the single most innovative piece of hardware ever introduced to screening media because it increases efficiency while maintaining screen availability.

In the early days, as different screen manufacturers developed vibrating units, media remained relatively the same. Then, as synthetics were introduced to reduce wear in mining applications, media companies jumped on the opportunity.

Polydeck began creating modular urethane media and quickly advanced the product line. You could only use synthetics in certain applications, however, because the support rails for the media had a surface area that required covering to prevent damage. This meant you had to sacrifice open area and throughput.

Everyone wanted to use synthetics to lower operational costs and reduce downtime, but not at the expense of significantly lower production. Polydeck searched for a way to keep the modular panel system robust enough to wear for long periods of time while providing more open area.

The PIPETOP™ was the answer. With its half-inch surface, the PIPETOP™ support rail allowed for more apertures within a given footprint, and its development led to the creation of Polydeck’s “Maxi” system.

The Maxi system uses the PIPETOP™ rail to provide the maximum number of apertures in the system to achieve the highest open area in the industry, with the same wear construction in the panel that was there before the PIPETOP™ was created.

This combination maintained the screen availability and delivered more open area, while keeping the wear life of the older system. The Maxi system was also designed to be modular for ease of use, safety, and flexibility. Now, an operator could use synthetics to reduce downtime in more applications.

The PIPETOP™ rail did not stop evolving, though.

Polydeck continued to improve the rail by making it more maintenance-friendly, and adding adaptors for almost any other media need. The PIPETOP™ is now the preferred support member in most screening applications, even for side-tensioned wire systems because the PIPETOP™ better supports the wire.

Polydeck has created lots of innovative products over the years, but the PIPETOP™ support rail allows us to use every tool in our arsenal to tackle any screening challenge you may have.

3 Advantages to Polydeck’s PIPETOP™ Support Rail
  1. Features screw-out/screw-in attachments that provide many options to bolt, pin, snap, or change to different media.
  2. Allows media to be changed without any further permanent modifications—simply screw out one attachment and screw in another to support the media you need.
  3. Enables you to use urethane, rubber, ceramic, plate, or wire in many different forms.

Written by Frank Harris, Director of Mining for Polydeck.

Part 1 explains how to make the right decisions BEFORE investing in a screening solution for your operation.

Maximizing the performance and efficiency of synthetic screen media is a combination of art and science. Optimal screening efficiency is the result of a carefully targeted mix of apertures and surface configurations, tailored to each application’s unique needs.

This requires careful selection of the screen media upfront, making sure to use the right form and function for the job, and then performing regular maintenance and quality control during operations.

With the right screening selection and maintenance strategies, producers can boost capacities, maximize uptime, increase product quality, and reduce per-ton costs.

We’re going to take a deeper dive into some of these strategies in this two-part series. Part 1 below explains how to make the right decisions BEFORE investing in a screening solution for your operation.

Form and Function

When selecting screen media for optimal efficiency—given the specifics of the application—there are a number of factors you must consider:

First, take stock of the entire screening circuit to help pinpoint the best media for the job, keeping in mind that precise data yields the best screen panel selection for maximum productivity.

• Is the material wet or dry?

• Is blinding or pegging an issue?

• How does weather or climate affect processing?

• How abrasive is the material?

Next, consider that the best applications for polyurethane and rubber screen media are significantly different. Polyurethane has higher abrasion and sliding resistance, and is more often used in wet applications. Rubber is typically favored in dry applications, and special compounds and design options offer excellent anti-plugging and blinding characteristics.

Both polyurethane and rubber are effective in reducing noise, and because the modular screen panels’ deck surface is customized in one-foot increments, they provide greater control in meeting product specifications.

To help with the selection process, work with a screen media supplier that offers a variety of screen panel options, surface features, and fastening configurations. Rely on the company’s expertise to specify the optimal panel types and opening sizes to meet the given gradations.

Once you determine the right screen media material, the media must be correctly matched to the parameters of the vibrating screen to ensure the circuit keeps pace with the crushing side. Review all potential product mixes to identify any potential gradation inconsistencies and plant bottlenecks, and make necessary adjustments upfront.

If costly maintenance downtime and loss of saleable product due to sand and fines buildup is a concern, anti-blinding panels are highly effective in mitigating the threat. When an operation runs all week without blinding—regardless of the rain or moisture content—it doesn't take long to get the payback from a new deck surface.

Similarly, to avoid bottlenecks in the screening circuit, you must correctly calculate the open area—the total number of “usable” openings on the screen as a percentage of open holes over the area of the entire screen panel surface. Thinner bridges create greater open area and a more efficient process, although they can potentially decrease a screen panel’s wear life. The open area of the screen deck can also be impacted by the panel support structure.


In Part 2 (published at the end of August), we’ll look at how a system of regular maintenance and quality control tasks can extend the life of your equipment and deliver the strongest return on your investment. We will also provide you with a downloadable checklist to help your audit.

Contact us for your Screen Performance Evaluation today!

Our new line of ceramic liners and panels is the latest example of how Polydeck brings groundbreaking solutions to the surface.

When you partner with Polydeck, you gain access to industry-leading products and services, backed up by unmatched support and a half-century of expertise. Our new line of ceramic liners is the latest example of how Polydeck brings groundbreaking solutions to the surface.

We didn’t make our name by simply conforming to industry standards; we made it by creating brand-new ones. INNOVATION is what Polydeck is known for, and it shows in the level of attention we give our ceramic liners and panels.

Ceramics may have been around for a while, but we combined our knowledge of materials and panel construction to create new, more valuable ceramic solutions that solve your costly problems. Polydeck’s ceramic liners are a versatile, bolt-in solution engineered for maximum performance in aggressive wear environments.

Our modular, lightweight ceramic liners are specially-designed for higher abrasion resistance and longer wear-life, as well as reduced noise levels and fewer change-outs—all of which can dramatically lower your maintenance costs and improve safety levels.

We synthesized our proprietary Armadex rubber compounds to work with ceramics, in order to provide the flexibility and high-wear tolerances that address any need. Our ceramic liners also feature unique panel designs that help eliminate blinding, meaning you put more saleable product on the ground.

Our experts can even custom-mold Armadex ceramic liners with different durometers to match your specific application, working with you to select the right combination of materials and apply the perfect solution.

We offer outstanding lead-times and incredible technical support for our ceramic liners and panels. Whether you need to cushion a loading issue, decrease wear at a transfer point, or eliminate blinding and high wear in your chutes, our highly-trained and experienced field support team can improve your current situation with a better ceramic solution.

In addition to our unmatched external support, Polydeck’s internal engineers are available by phone to discuss your needs and help you coordinate with our outside team. Our Applications Engineers review every order we receive and discuss the details with our field representatives to ensure that you receive the best service and solutions possible.

Our support services extend to the supply chain, as well. Polydeck can keep you fully-stocked by putting the ceramic liners or panels you need into regular inventory at one of our regional distribution centers, strategically located across the country. If you’re ever caught in rush and need help immediately, however, there’s no one in the industry who can respond as quickly as Polydeck’s manufacturing team.

When you place your order, we commit to the delivery schedule you require. For most suppliers, standard lead-time is typically 3–4 weeks to push out a rush order. Polydeck has accomplished rush orders overnight, ready for next day shipment. Even if you inadvertently run out of onsite stock or someone forgets to place an order, Polydeck’s manufacturing ability is there to back you up.

Finally, as with all our products, our ceramic liners and panels are backed by Polydeck’s industry-leading Performance Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with the results, we will do everything possible to make it right, including replacing any unsatisfactory panels on a pro-rated basis.

It’s simple—We work hard to support all your needs, because supplying value through innovation and total service is what you expect from Polydeck.

Written by Frank Harris, Strategic Sales and New Product Development for Polydeck.

Polydeck spray nozzles are superior to the competition because they are designed to be. Outfit your screen media decks with Polydeck spray nozzles for your washing needs and experience improved results and reduced maintenance issues.

Spray nozzles have become a desired and often critical component of operations dealing with higher fines content. However, not all spray nozzles are created equal. Polydeck Spray Nozzles feature:

1. Self-cleaning ability

2. Are easily replaceable

3. perform under heavy-duty conditions

4. Produce a consistent spray area when operating

These key features found in Polydeck spray nozzles produce the best results for washing operations.

Polydeck spray nozzles were designed to be practically maintenance free and also adaptable should water direction or water speed needs change. Polydeck spray nozzles were designed specifically to deliver water to the screen deck to wash material. Many operations don’t even think of their spray nozzle choices until it’s too late, when spray bar nozzles have failed or need significant maintenance. However, Polydeck spray nozzles feature the optimum fan-shaped spray that prevents material from avoiding the spray and produces a slowing motion to ensure material is washed and separated as it travels down the deck. Use spray nozzles to create water dams to improve screen efficiency rates from 10% to 50%. Many operations have found spray nozzles to be a necessary component for proper washing on decks with higher fines content.

Polydeck’s patented, self-cleaning polyurethane spray nozzles last longer than the competition because there are no metal parts to rust or corrode. Polyurethane is known for its durability and ability to hand heavy duty applications, making it ideal for spray bar nozzles. Additionally, the nozzle design is injection molded, producing the most consistent water spray amount and size, eliminating the potential for damage to screen media decks due to errant or uncontrolled water spray production.

Polydeck spray nozzles are available in a variety of shapes and configurations to meet the needs of your operation, today and tomorrow. When your water volume needs change, the center core can be switched out. Each component of the spray nozzle is easily replaceable and available individually when needed. In addition, the wide spray distribution pattern of Polydeck spray nozzles means more efficient washing with fewer spray heads per screen width.

When you choose Polydeck spray nozzles for your screen media washing needs, you’ll get a product designed to last longer, adapt to the changing needs of your operation, and produce the results you require.

We’ve put together a list of must-have safety checks for you and your employees when it comes to your screen media systems – read more today.

Safety of employees is top-of-mind for many plant managers and executives out there, and rightly so. In our industry, there is a potential for many workplace injuries, with heavy machinery and lots of moving parts. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of must-have safety checks for you and your employees when it comes to your screen media systems. Read on to learn how more about workplace safety, as well as how to maximize the use of your screen media systems (safely, that is!).

1) Lock, Tag & TRY

If you’re performing any work on your screens, lock them out, along with their feed and discharge conveyors. It’s key to try the start button after locking out, to make sure you’ve got the right units. If you’re not sure where to lock out, there’s usually a plant diagram in the electrical room, or someone happy to show you how well they know the plant to help!

2) Keep it Quiet

Forget about wire or punch plate on your screens, this stuff operates at around 105dB! Switching to synthetic will reduce this to around 95dB. You might be thinking that’s just a reduction of 10dB, but decibels are a logarithmic scale, meaning each increase of +1db is a x10 multiplier. In brief, the difference between 105dB and 95dB is about half of what the human ear perceives. This will contribute to screen media safety with less risk of hearing loss and much better perception/awareness of what else is going on around the plant.

3) Lighten Up

Changing punch plate or wire cloth can be quite the task. It’s large, heavy and unruly to handle. If you haven’t done it before, think of moving a 4’ x 8’ section of sharp, heavy, floppy metal inches from the edge of a machine while balancing on ½” wide rails with openings below (eeek!). Unless you’re a heavy-lifting ballerina, it’s truly no fun. Consider modular media for a minute, which comes in 1x1’ and 1x2’ sections, for example. One person can change a localized area, away from fall hazards, without creating large open spaces to fall through beneath.

4) Make it Last

It’s no secret, changing screens isn’t fun, so why do it any more frequently than necessary? One reason is for screen media safety! Make sure you’re using as long-lasting screen media as possible as your throughput will allow. Place heavy duty media in your impact zones, and lighter formats in your flow path. This will even out the longest lasting options along your media screen’s surface and drastically reduce your workload, and exposure to any maintenance hazards. No matter what screen media you use, there are options for heavy duty to light duty formats to balance wear with open area / throughput. That said, synthetic media lasts 12-20x longer than wire will.

5) Keep Cool

Fire hazards are very real around screens. Gum rubber chute liners and cast-in-place media/liners (like spray bar boots and most magnetic liners) are highly susceptible to starting a fire. While all synthetics will burn when continuously exposed to flames, there are many options out there that reduce the risk of a fire and ensure screen media safety. Injection molded media will frequently allow a piece of hot steel to simply drop through for example, whereas cast-in-place media or gum rubber liners tend to spread fire rapidly. Some aggregate producers have entirely banned cast-in-place synthetics and gum rubber liners! If you’re doing hot work around synthetics, make sure your fire watch includes someone who can see below the work, and not just the workers above who are likely focused on their immediate point of work.

6) Dust It Off

Keeping the dust down is important to the safety of site staff and neighbors. Dust can easily blind up your screens. There’s a multitude of wire and synthetic choices out there to handle wet, sticky material on your screens. Using the right screen media to deal with blinding from dust suppression ensures you’re not sending staff into screens for nasty clean up jobs as a result of trying to improve their screen media safety in the first place!

7) Make It Simple

Make your screens simple and easy to deal with. This will ensure that when it is time to work on them, it’s likely to get done quicker and more accurately. Simplifying your screens with modular media also allows you to focus on higher priority tasks like plant automation, optimization, and better mine planning. Stop changing cumbersome screens and move on to something more fun entirely!

Go ahead, put these screen media safety tips into practice! In the meantime, if you want to learn more about Polydeck screens or any of our other products, contact us today!

Written by Alex Caruana, Aggregate Territory Manager for Polydeck.

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